----- Original Message -----
From: "Craig Woods" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 30, 2000 11:41 PM
Subject: Re: [expert] XFree86-4.0, Voodoo3 dual head - anybody?

> Hoyt, what Tom is saying is to have a go at your email preferences. Try
bringing that "guy" down to a modest 72 characters per line. That allows us
to read your posting without scrolling for an hour or two......

I know. I need to use mime encoding to send files to Mandrake, but uuencode
for posts and I keep forgetting to switch back

But, has anyone used two Voodoo3 PCI cards dula head with XFree86 4.0?

With both cards in the box, XFRee86 3.3.6 starts without error messages and
loads and runs KDE --- but the display is blank. I believe that X is getting
confused as to which display it is supposed to be using. Very wierd.


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