You can't mount an audio CD, so that's not a problem.  Here's the
series of steps I take to use XMMS with CDs.  Hope it's easy to follow:

Open Playlist, and say "New List" to clear out anything that might be
in the way.

Choose Dir + (add Directory), then move to the /mnt/cdrom and hit OK.

Up pops the full CD, and after a couple seconds the CDDB listing of the
tracks appears.


On  7 May, Charles Curley wrote:
> On Sat, May 06, 2000 at 04:20:45PM -0700, AG wrote:
> -> Just select +DIR from the playlist buttons and select the mount point of your
> -> CD as the directory.
> That didn't work for me. I tried mounting the CD, but it didn't like the
> default file system. How do I specify the file system at mount time?
> Selecting /dev/cdrom did not work, possibly because the user only has read
> permissions on the CD-ROM drive. (brw-r--r-- 2 root disk 11, 0 May 5 1998
> cdrom)


Nil Carborundum Illegitimi

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