In XMMS go to preferences, Audio I/O, and enable Audio CD Player. Then press OK
and go to the open file dialog (or the playlist dialog if you prefer), and look
into /mnt/cdrom, where you'll see the audio tracks. 

Asheesh Laroia, escribió:
> Sorry to ask such a silly question, but how can I get XMMS to play CDs?
> In Windows, you drag-n-drop E:\Track05.cda to the window, and it starts
> playing, but there's no Linux/UNIX equivalent.
> I right-clicked everwhere, but I must have something wrong.
> Thanks so much in advance.
> Sincerely,
> Asheesh Laroia.
> -- 
> YOW!!  Everybody out of the GENETIC POOL!
*Guillermo Belli        -        Linux User #121340*
*                 ICQ #38321312                    *
* (en construccion)*

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