On Mon, 08 May 2000, Brian Schroeder wrote:
> I provided as little information as I did in the hope that someone would
> recognize my problem and be able to help me, without me swamping the
> list with lots of data.  The files are:

What is the problem?, I don't see it mentioned in this post but your zone file
looks a bit off. What messages are you getting for named in /log/messages?

> @               IN      SOA     ls2.oerl.au.    hostmaster.oerl.au. (
>                         2000050401 ; serial
>                         28800 ; refresh
>                         7200 ; retry
>                         604800 ; expire
>                         86400 ; default_ttl
>                         )
> ;
> @               IN      NS      ls2
> @               IN      NS      ls2.oerl.au.

The name server on your box is listed twice. I'd get rid of the first record

> ;
> ; Adresses for the canonical names
> ;
> localhost               IN      A
> sun1            IN      A
> sun2            IN      A

What are sun1 and 2?

The A record for your box is missing

ls2.oerl.au.            IN      A       xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

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