On 9 May 00, at 11:32, Brian Schroeder wrote:

I'm sure someone will stop me if I'm wrong <grin>, but haven't you 
asked for named to find your zone file in /etc/etc/named.local? The 
directive directory "/etc"; lets you specify your zone files without 
a path. 

Also according to my docs, you are missing an "in" in the named.conf 

> zone "112.132.10.in_addr.arpa"{
>         type master;
>         file "/etc/oerl.au.rev";
>         notify no;
> };

should have it's first line as 
zone "112.132.10.in_addr.arpa" in {
although I expect that what you have may be a legal abbreviation.

Finally, do you have two nameservers selected? It seems to me that
> @               IN      NS      ls2
> @               IN      NS      ls2.oerl.au.

point to the same thing.

Hope this helps.

Good Luck
Chuck Burkins

Charles L. Burkins

[Insert pithy saying here]

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