On Tue, 16 May 2000, Suppiluliuma wrote:

> > What file, specifically, does ipchains log to when I use -l?  It says it
> > writes to syslog but when I look in /var/log, I don't see anything that it
> > writes to and I'm trying to debug a firewall script...  any info is
> > appreciated.
> Logs from ipchains go to the same place as all your logs from
> kernel, exact location depends on your syslog configuration. Take a look
> in /etc/syslog.conf and find a line with:
>  kern.* 
> on the same line there should be a name of file where the kernel logs go
> to. If you can't find such line then probably you have line similar
> to:
> *.info;mail.none;news.none;authpriv.none      /var/log/messages
> which says that messages from most facilities (including kernel) go to
> /var/log/messages.

Ok, the kern.* line is commented out (would be directed to
/dev/console) so I uncommented and put it to /var/log/kernel.  Looking at
it, those kernel messages that now show up in /var/log/kernel don't show
up in /var/log/messages.  I'm assuming this is a Mandrake default because
I never changed it.

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