fix your problem (assuming that your login name
is martin):

1) in console mode login as root.
2) type: chown martin.martin /home/martin/.kderc


martin hansen wrote:
> I am having trouble with the theme manager i KDE, on my mandrake 7.0 system
> As root i have no problem, but as normal user i have the following problem. (one
> of my buddies have the exact same problem too, on a new installation).
> When i select a theme all works fine except the desktop buttons on the panel and
> the windowborderbakcground do not change color.
> When i run kthememgr from a term i get the following error messages, i've cut
> away the first 20 lines, as it is the same series of errors repeating itself:
> .
> .
> .
> .
> kthememgr: QFile::putch: File not open
> kthememgr: QFile::writeBlock: File not open
> kthememgr: QFile::writeBlock: File not open
> kthememgr: QFile::writeBlock: File not open
> kthememgr: QFile::putch: File not open
> sh: pidof: command not found
> kill: usage: kill [-s sigspec | -n signum | -sigspec] [pid | job]... or kill -l
> [sigspec]
> --
>                    |||||
>                   ( x x )
>   -------------oOo---U---oOo-------------
>   |                                     |
>   |  Stud. Ing.                         |
>   |  Martin Hansen                      |
>   |  ICQ: 28332283                      |
>   |                                     |
>   | "klogest er den som ved,            |
>   |  hvad han ikke ved"                 |
>   |                         Ooo         |
>   |_________________ooO____(   )________|
>                    (   )    ) /
>                     \ (    (_/
>                      \_)

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