Thanks, I'll save this away just in case!

"Werner E. Niebel" wrote:
> I wanted to do the same thing on my installation.  If memory serves me you
> need to do the pwunconv grpunconv as you already did.  Check that the
> passwords are no longer :x: in the /etc/passwd file.
> You now need to disable the password verification and generation in PAM.
> Change the directory to /etc/pam.d and edit the passwd file.  Comment out the
> lines as shown and rewrite these lines with the mods shown... hope that
> helps... let me know if it works... its been a while since I did this:
> #%PAM-1.0
> auth       required     /lib/security/ shadow nullok
> account    required     /lib/security/
> #password   required    /lib/security/ retry=3
> #password   required    /lib/security/ use_authtok nullok
> password   required    /lib/security/ nullok
> hope it helps
> Werner
> ark wrote:
> > on 6/11/00 11:30 AM, Joel VanderWerf  wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > Hi, does anybody know how to disable shadow passwords?
> > >
> > > I've tried pwunconv and grpunconv. But then when you change your passwd
> > > you still get an 'x' in /etc/passwd and you can't log in.
> > >
> > > Why am I doing this? Well, when I installed Mandrake 6.1 last summer,
> > > shadowing seemed like a reasonable thing to do, even though my machine
> > > is a dial-up client. However, I just installed netatalk and wasn't been
> > > able to get it working with shadow passwords (problems compiling DES
> > > module). So I rebuilt it without SHADOWPW defined.
> > >
> > > Now some passwords do work and some don't work. And after you run passwd
> > > on an account, the password will definitely not work. (The effect of
> > > passwd, which I checked using
> > > find / -mount -mmin -2
> > > was just to put an 'x' in passwd. So apparently it thinks shadow is in
> > > effect but can't find the shadow file and doesn't complain.)
> > >
> > > At this poing I'm wondering if a full upgrade to 7.1 would be the
> > > easiest thing....
> > >
> > > TIA!
> >
> > I have netatalk working fine with shadow passwords. Try installing from an
> > RPM instaed of rolling your own.
> >
> > gavin


Joel VanderWerf

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