> Ok, here's the scenario. I'm trying to setup a Linux box here at work.
> What I'm trying to figure out is what I need to do to log into our network
> (WinNT Enterprise). Any thoughts?

As several others have pointed out, you need to install Samba. From here, ir
really depends on what you're connecting to on the network.

For example, at my office, I'm the only one running Linux (except for out
firewall, which runs Redhat 5.2), and we do most of our work by connecting
to Unix servers through terminal emulation in Windows. I simply added the ip
addresses to all these server to my /etc/hosts, and telneted from an Eterm

Our mail server is running Exchange 5.5, and is fortunately set up as pop
accounts, so I could use any email client and configured the pop mail server
settings to use the ip address of the Exchange server. I didn't actually
bother trying to figure out postfix or sendmail, but simply used Netscape's
mailer. (They weren't paying me to figure out linux, unfortunately)

Same thing for the firewall. Plug the ip address into the proxy server
boxes, everything worked fine.

To browse the network, I ended up using XSMBrowser (or mayne jusr SMBrowser,
check Freshmeat). I had tried Gnomba and other similar programs, but didn't
have much luck. Once I figured out what the ip address was for the DNS
machine, I was able to connect to the NT boxes I needed. Never tried
connecting to individual pc's, nor did I attempt to make my linux box seen
on the network.

Of course, I work for a company with 21 employees, so all of our machines
have hard coded ip addys. Couldn't tell you what might need to be done for
system assigned addresses...



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