At 02:46 PM 6/17/00, you wrote:
>TK Kim wrote:
> >
> > Something really weird is going on.  This is sort of a continuing message
> > from my last post about JBuilder.   So I installed JBuilder last night, 
> then
> > turn my computer off.  This morning I turned it on and somehow my run level
> > was set to 3.  Weird, I thought, anyways I logged in and startx'ed but it
> > wouldn't go into X.  It said something about 'i don't have authority on
> > Xauthority' and it's failed to connect to X server.
> > So I changed the runlevel to 5 and reboot.  Now it boot to X and I have the
> > Helix Gnome login, but can't log in.  after user id and password with 
> Enter,
> > the screen will go blank and shoot right back to the login screen.  So 
> I log
> > in as root which is fine.  What's going on?  Did I get some kinda
> > hack-attack?  although my machine is behind the firewall(rh 6.1 ^^), can
> > this be possible?  Or was it something JBuilder install script's doing?  I
> > am completely lost.  I need help.
> >
> > I would really appreciate some of yours expertise.
> >
> > Thanks
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>No big deal....
>If you can get in as root, do this
># cd /home/(yourusername)
># rm -R -f /home/(Yourusername)/.gnome
>Any of several files there could be blocking you--this will clear
>it and also any customized settings which you can spend an
>amusing time restoring.  PROBABLY some JBuild linkage will be
>wiped and you will have to bridge it manually, like starting from
>command line in xterm instead of off the menu.
>After that, go back to the login screen and login as user--and
>wait a bit while it rebuilds as if you were starting gnome for
>the first time

I've got a question here.  What if any are the advantages of using two 
NIC's  On the firewall we run here (FreeBSD) we are only using a single NIC 
for both directions. To the network and to the Net.  (and we run video 
conferencing video so traffic is heavy) As I see it adding a second NIC 
only serves to add latency to the net access.  Unless your traffic volume 
exceeds 10 or 100 mbs in any one direction (depending on your net speed) 
the card even in half duplex mode should be more than able to handle the 
traffic.  I've asked this question before in other groups and no one could 
give me an answer that held water.  Thanks hope this isn't off topic if it 
is please ignore and I apologize.


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