> I've got a question here.  What if any are the advantages of using two 
> NIC's  On the firewall we run here (FreeBSD) we are only using a single NIC 
> for both directions. To the network and to the Net.  (and we run video 
> conferencing video so traffic is heavy) As I see it adding a second NIC 
> only serves to add latency to the net access.  Unless your traffic volume 
> exceeds 10 or 100 mbs in any one direction (depending on your net speed) 
> the card even in half duplex mode should be more than able to handle the 
> traffic.  I've asked this question before in other groups and no one could 
> give me an answer that held water.  Thanks hope this isn't off topic if it 
> is please ignore and I apologize.
> James
Wow...I am not sure if I get your question right, but let me try to

You have a firewall, all machines go through, but that machine goes out to
the net through the same hub as all internal network traffic?  That is
nuts.  What that does it spam your packets upstream so anyone can sniff
them...exactly what you don't want.  

The most common set up is:

---INTERNET---==Firewall(with eth1 and eth0)==---Internal Network

eth0 would only talk to the internet, and eth1 only the internal network.


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