Civileme wrote:
> Well, you are free to pursue this BECAUSE others have worked very
> hard to bring themselves and you this freedom.


> In the mean time, while waiting for manufacturers to come to
> their senses, I will not install binary-only drivers or buy
> products which require them.
> Civileme

These are all fair comments you've made, and basically I agree with you.
The only thing is that at the moment I've got the choice between using
the Lucent winmodem, or using an old 14.4 Netcomm Roadster that seems to
give me a maximum uptime of 10 minutes no matter what OS I use it with
(seems to be worn out inside or something). I can't afford a new modem
at the moment. I didn't buy the winmodem specifically for Linux or
anything, it came with the computer. I certainly don't think that Linux
distros should bend over backwards to support binary drivers, and I'd
really love it if Lucent released the source, but the binary is all
there is at the moment. So basically, it's use Windows, or get the modem
working in Linux or else no Internet. I'm quite happy to fiddle with
stuff to get it working (and so I have - put the 2.2.14 kernel into my
MDK 7.1 install - enjoyed doing it actually, I haven't compiled a kernel
in too long :-).

Tom Massey

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