Look on the page for fetchmail on Mandrakeuser.org.  I do
this with a line at the end of my .fetchmailrc :

postconnect "/usr/sbin/sendmail -q"

I set up sendmail using the install-sendmail script...
works like a charm.


--- Glyn Millington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi - I've given up the unequal struggle with post fix and
> gone
> back to sendmail.  But I have a problem.....
> Fetchmail downloads the post, but unless I specify
> procmail in my
> ..fetchmailrc file as the MDA, the mail is dumped in
> /var/spool/mqueue.
> I then have to run /usr/sbin/sendmail -q for the .forward
> file
> invocation of procmail to kick in and send the post to
> the right
> mailboxes.
> Is there any way of automating this second step so that
> the post
> is delivered to the right place without having to
> manually run
> sendmail?  
> -- 
> ******************************************************
>        * "The soul is greater than the hum of its parts.
> "  *
>        *                 Douglas Hoftstatder             
>   *
> ******************************************************


"Here, catch!  Don't worry, it won't bite...BBZZZZAAAAPPP!!!...much <snicker>"

What an unsuspecting mechanic hears as he learns to never, ever, play 'Catch' with a 
bored electrician  ;)

Monte Milanuk

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