     There could be a couple of reasons that you can't connect and they 
aren't your fault.  Since you can connect to the one site that indicates 
that your set up correctly (however this could be a bad assumption on my 
part I really doubt if it is.)
  1.  Rush's site is so slow or overloaded at the time you are trying to 
connect that it's just taking forever for RPlayer to get the data it needs 
and it's timing out or freezing.
  2.  The webmaster at rushes site made a typo on the page and as a result 
it can't connect correctly.
  3.  Since realplayer for linux is in a state of perpetual beta testing it 
could be unable to connect due to some weird Windoze only feature the 
webmaster has enacted.
  4.  The people at Real.com are liberals and they have added software to 
block Rush. :)

Hope this helps.


At 10:46 AM 6/22/00, you wrote:
>Hi there,
>I had real player working and dont know what is going on in 7.1.  If I
>go to a site like
>www.businesstalkradio.net and try to listen it works fine with the
>streaming audio...When I go to something like
>it doesnt work... Real player executes and says "contacting" forever yet
>never gets the stream...Anyone out there know what the netscape file
>structure and plugins well enough to help me out diagnose what is

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