On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, Lane Lester wrote:
> The mask is set correctly, as is the default gateway. However, there
> was a question for which I don't have the answer: Gateway device?  So,
> during the install I left it blank. Is that my problem?

You'll only answer that if your machine _is_ a gateway.  Don't worry about

> We have to DNS numbers, and I put the first one in the spot where it
> was called for. I think that's OK.
> But I'm not sure about my host name. I understand that it has three
> elements, separated by periods, as in "a.b.c". 

Um, not necessarily.  Your hostname is your computer's name to the
internet.  The one I'm typing on now is pollux.cis.ksu.edu.  There's
really only two components: pollux and cis.ksu.edu.  The first is the
hostname, the second is the domain name.  If your field is asking for a
fully qualified domain name, you'll use both: pollux.cis.ksu.edu.  But how
do you find out what your hostname is?  Use nslookup on your IP address.

acrux ~% nslookup
Server:  zaurak.cis.ksu.edu

Name:    pollux.cis.ksu.edu

The first two lines list the DNS server that's being contacted, the second
two are the information you requested.  Thus, this computer's IP address
is, and it's hostname is pollux.cis.ksu.edu.

Oh, yes, even Windows NT has nslookup (surprise!).  Don't try it on DOS
(a.k.a. Win95/Win98/Win98SE), though.

-Matt Stegman

> At the school where I teach, we are on a T1 and a Win NT server. I
> have had Internet access in Linux before, so I know it can be done.
> However, for some reason, I can't get it going with my new 7.1
> installation. The install found my NIC automatically.
> Part of my problem is that I am the only Linux user on campus. Even
> the head computer guy only know Windows and Netware (our office LAN,
> which is another Linux horror story... but another time). So I'm not
> sure just what questions I need to ask the honcho to be sure that I
> get the right answers.
> a. Is this my username (on the school's system) or my computer's name?
> b. The college's email address is "emmanuel-college.edu", so I guess
> that b is "emmanuel-college" and...
> c. ... is "edu".
> Lane
> ____
> Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
> ---- 

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