On Mon, 26 Jun 2000, you wrote:
> Hi,
>  On the Mandrake Air machine I`ve got no kde stuff installed and I wonder 
> what would be needed if I would like to run some kde apps (Klyx!) but not
> necesserirly  kde itself. I`ve got no kde 2 experience and I am not really 
> sure what those kde 1/2 differances are. Correct me if I`m wrong:
>  qt-1.44
>  kdesupport
>  kdelibs
>  kdebase
> should do the thing with kde 1. 
> And what about kde 2?
You'll need QT2.x (should be available wherever you D/L the KDE2
stuff) QT-copy and all the associated KDE stuff. AFAIK, the only
things you need BESIDES the KDE2 stuff (and I'll freely admit I'm not
positive on this) is QT and QT-copy. There may also be other libs
you'll need to update as well.

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