On Sun, 23 Jul 2000, Anton Graham wrote:

> Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2000 17:38:22 -0700
> From: Anton Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [expert] Pentium 200Mhz/MMX and Mandrake - Resource
>     Efficient?
> Submitted 23-Jul-00 by Ellick Chan:
> > On Sun, 23 Jul 2000, Anton Graham wrote:
> > Your're correct, but I never got that to work on my Sony VAIO N505VX
> > laptop which has the YMF744b chip.
> The most frequent cause of people believing that ALSA doesn't work for
> them is the fact that it mutes all audio channels by default and you
> need to use a mixer capable of unmuting them (I recommend alsamixer,
> simply because I'm used to it.  You only need to do this once,
> anyhoo.)

Maybe, but I ws playing with cooker at the time, and enough things were
broken as-is. Also, the Yamaha support was just recently added, so things
were still a bit buggy.

> There were some problems with the Yamaha support in 0.5.8 that were >
> subsequntly fixed in the a and b releases (I use the 'a' release
> here).  If you are interested, I can send you a copy of the relevent
> portion of /etc/modules.conf so you can compare it against what you
> did originally.

Yes please, I would like to see it.
> One other important consideration when compiling ALSA is to ensure
> that you build it with OSS compatibility, because there are just too
> many apps that expect that you have OSS.

Should I just use the Mandrake RPM for alsa, or compile it myself. The RPM
would require me to change a kernel. Changing a kernel is not too bad, but 
my laptop is really painful to get working perfectly. I'm sorta hesitant
to change things, as they tend to break reiserfs here, but I can try to
compile the latest alsa stuff.



Ellick Chan
Jul 23

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