On Sun, Jul 23, 2000 at 03:47:37PM -0400, Charles A Edwards wrote:

> > I just got (about 2 weeks ago), an AMD Athlon 750 and it's running
> > Mandrake 7.0 without a hiccup.  No problems whatsoever.  Makes a darn
> > good server.
> I have a Athlon 650 which I built myself . It has a FIC SD-11 MOBO with VIA
> chipset and I installed and am running 7.1 with no problem. No uptime
> figure, I dual boot it with Win2000.

Yeah, that's what I did with the 750, built it myself.  It's an ASUS
m/b, and it works real slick.  I put 7.0 on it for now until I'm
certain that 7.1 will behave properly as far as the servers and stuff
go (call me paranoid, but I have to ensure it's stable since I host
people's domains on it and such), but I've had 7.1 on this P2-350
since 7.1b3 and have no problems at all, so I imagine in the next
month or so when I feel like doing the extra work, I will upgrade the
750 to run 7.1.

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