On Sun, 23 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I installed LM7.1 on a laptop and it was ran fine for a day.. when i was
> shutting down today, it gave KERNEL PANIC on supermount.. and then did fsck
> on the next boot (the laptop has a DVD player and had a data CD inside when
> this happened).. this is the 2nmd time I am getting problems with
> supermount.. why is it in the distribution if its not good and stable???
> anyway, here is what is more important.. The laptop is frozen right now and
> I can't even turn the power off!!! its in KDE and this is the worst thing i
> ahve seen.. I keep the power switch pressed and nothign happens.. this
> happened all of a sudden.. any quick ideas will be appreciated.
> thanks
> sarang

Remove the power and the battery

When you boot back up type in 

$ su
password (root password)
# supermount -i disable
# exit

Do not use supermount on a laptop with removable drives.  It isn't ready for
prime time in this application.  A kernel panic can result from trying to
access a floppy that isn't plugged in, for example, though it is much more
likely with a blank CD-R in a burner and a powersaver function kicking in.

And the answer to your why should be obvious.  The resources do not exist to
test this on all configurations.  Mandrake seems to be the main distro trying
to make something which changes the old mount/unmount protocols, so I suppose
the other distros would be safer in that regard.  But you chose Mandrake
_because_ it is developing new features, didn't you?


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