Sridhar G wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am planning to build a new system.
> What will be the approx price to assemble a 700+ Mhz system.
> I have a choice of buying a complete system from one of the Linux harware
> guys or building my own. Which will be cheaper.
> If building my own can i rely on online purchase of components, will it be
> cheaper in any way.
> I am looking forward to all your feedback.
> Cheers
> Sridhar

Buying -vs- building is a tough choice.  on the buying side is the fact that a
system shows up on your doorstep pre-assembled and pre-installed (hopefully)
but....  building your own gives you MUCH greater control over the components
used (video, hard drive mfg/type, etc..) You also get your choice of
distributions.  Price-wise you'll find very little difference unless you're
going to reuse some pieces you currently have.

My last system was:
CPU             Athlon K7-750  = $250 (US)
Mobo            Abit K6            = $130
RAM             128M               = $130
HD               Maxtor 40G      = $250
Video            Diamond S540  = $0      reused
Case                                     = $80
keyboard                               = $0      reused
Monitor                                 = $0      reused
Mouse                                   = $0      reused
CD Rom                                = $0      reused
Sound card                             = $0      reused
Floppy                                   = $0      reused
      Total                    = $840 (US)

not bad for a machine that smokes but unless you have extra hardware laying
around to reuse the price can easily match that of a completed unit.

Good luck and don't forget to include shipping/tax when comparing prices

Joseph S Gardner

Senior Designer / Technical Support
Kirby Co., Cleveland, OH

The box said,
"Requires Windows 3.x or better",
so I got Linux.

Registered Linux user #1696600

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