On Sat, Jul 29, 2000 at 11:04:03AM -0700, Dave Lers wrote:
> On Sat, 29 Jul 2000, kf wrote:
> > On Sat, 29 Jul 2000, Charles A Edwards wrote:
> > = ----- Original Message -----
> > = From: "fasi74" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > = > I want to copy my whole harddrive including MBR & all operating systems
> > = > present on that drive.
> > = > On an harddrive that is not as same as this harddrive in capacity.
> > = > is there some software like this ?
> > = >
> > = If it is a new hd retail box there should be software on the included floppy
> > I've done this with floppies before, but never with hard drives, so I'm
> > not guaranteeing anything at all... you're on your own with the results.
> > Having said that, you might try
> > 
> >     dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb bs=512 count=XXXX
> > I'd be very curious to know if this works for you.
> A simple 
> dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdc
> works great, super backup method, all you need to do is swap drives
> (plug hdc in where hda was). You want both drives as master, 1 per
> channel. The drive you are writing to needs to be the same size or
> bigger. Since my drives are almost identical I haven't played with,
> don't know how to, utilize extra space if copying to a noticeably
> larger drive. 

This assumes that the two drives have identical sectors per track and
tracks per cylinder. Otherwise the drive geometry won't match the values
in the MBR's partition table. If the new drive has larger values, you are
OK, but you waste a lot of space. If the new drive has samller values, you
are hosed.


                -- C^2

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