Gilbert Baron wrote:
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: John Aldrich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2000 7:42 PM
> >Subject: RE: [expert]
> >
> >
> >On Tue, 01 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> >> I tried both ways. OBVIOUSLY I am not going to use FDISK or DISK
> >DRAKE on a
> >> functional system with WIN2000 because it will destroy it. Even
> >if it could
> >> do it non-destructively it would not matter.   it does not allow
> >you to get
> >> that far, it does not give the option, it just says it can't
> >find any place
> >> to even TRY to construct a system, so that option is out.
> >>
> >> AGAIN WHY doesn't anyone listen IT DOES WORK for Version 7
> >THEREFORE it has
> >> REGRESSED. THAT is the complaint and there is no answer forthcoming.
> >>
> >>
> >Gilbert:
> >to use an ATA/66 hard drive??? If so, what controller? Are
> >you aware that Mandrake has tightened the code for some
> >things such that "out of spec" hardware will no longer
> >work? That's why some people are complaining about WD hard
> >drives which worked in Mandrake 7, but no longer work in
> >7.1, because Mandrake is expecting the hard drive to
> >perform up to spec, and if WD has crippled their hard drive
> >by not manufacturing to spec, then it's Western Digital's
> >fault, NOT Mandrake's. Just because they are more demanding
> >of the hardware does NOT mean it's THEIR fault.
> >
> The hard drive is a Maxtor 92048D8 20 gig hard drive that runs at 7200 RPM
> and is a plain old IDE, No ATA66.
> I am sure that you mean out of spec. I doubt it is out of spec, this drive
> is pretty new. It performs flawlessly in other systems. I they accepted
> before they should not have backtracked, once you allow something to work
> you should not shut it down. As IBM about what we had to do on the AS/400 to
> prevent this. You are telling me that Windows can handle it and LINUX
> can't???
> >Ever stop to wonder what's different about Mandrake than
> >anyone else? Hmm? Well, one BIG difference is they are
> >optimizing their code for Pentium or better. RedHat
> >doesn't. If you want to use hardware that is NOT
> >manufactured to the specifications, back down to RedHat.
> >Until you tell us WHAT BRAND OF HARD DRIVE you have, you're
> >not going to win!
> I told you. Nobody ever asked before. It is the BIOS that handles this
> anyhow is it not. Version 7/1 should not se anything that 7.0 did not.
> This message is useless, it does not ell why it is refusing to accept it.
> >       John
> >

Does anyone smell flame-bait here??

Joseph S Gardner

The box said,
"Requires Windows 3.x or better",
so I got Linux.

Registered Linux user #1696600

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