----- Original Message -----
From: "Mallard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 1:33 PM
Subject: [expert] Vi/Vim - The editor from HELL! How do I set the default
editor so I can TRASH IT?

> Yea, I am pissed. All I wanted to do is set up my cron file ("crontab
> -e") and that brings up the "default" editor. Searching all over to find
> where the "default" editor is set up, couldn't find it. Another waste of
> time.
> I don't know who thinks this is some great thing, WOW! It has zillions
> of features! It's not 1982 anymore, we have word processors that have a
> better human interface than terminals did, get a life geeks! (directed
> at the guys who wrote and keep updating "vi" and "vim")
> Why not make the default editor a nice simple one, like maybe pico,
> where the commands are shown. I can't see anyone using a command line

The editor in mc is easy to use. I think pico isn't so bad.

Don't get pissed -- just find one you like since there are plenty available.


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