"Stephen F. Bosch" wrote:
> Mallard wrote:
> > Go to your options menu and set it to move messages with "Mallard" in
> > them to another mail directory. That should do it.
> I am a geek, and so I don't use menus. I think I'll just put
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the badmailfrom controls file for qmail, as a true
> geek would. That way, mails from Mallard won't even show up in my
> mailbox.
> > If everyone ignores the GEEKYNESS of Linux, maybe LINUX WILL GO AWAY!
> Damn... I should take your advice and ignore you... perhaps you'll go
> away? I think I'd like that =)
> Well, my apologies to everyone else. This is the last you'll hear from
> me on this - I promise.
> -Stephen-

ya know...all of a sudden I feel kinda bad for ole Mall. No one seems to
like him. Is he really that much of a turd? I'm relatively new to the
list so I don't know any of the history other than what i've heard so
far. Only been a mandrake user since June of this year.

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