Gee that was helpful-----NOT. But at least somewhat sympathetic

Ok I'm going to type something helpful 

when calling vi/vim up, first one needs to press the i key for insert,
this will enable the user to start typing letters into the text file
(or C or C++ or whatever its used for) 
and hit the enter key (or return key) as usually done
when typing plain text into an editor.

Then when one is finished, press the escape key or Esc key,
this brings it into command mode which one can then
type an uppercase Q to telll vi to get ready to quit.

This will then get it ready to save to a file,
so then type w mytext.txt and it will
save whatever you typed in that file into a file
named mytext.txt

Then if you are done type an x and it should 
write the info you typed to the file and exit.

Now, if you want to edit an existing file,
then bring up your terminal window or
at your text terminal type vi filename.txt
and vi should just pop up with that file in it,
and all you have to do to start making changes is
to press the i key and use the arrow keys to 
get down where you want to be and start typeing,
then to save your changes, press the Esc key (also called escape key)
and then type an upppercase Q and then just type a w and
it should save, then type x to quit vi.

That is about all I know about vi, I
just messed around with it even though
I had no use for it at the time, I sometimes
use it just to see what it does, pure curiosity.

As for why the hell it was written the way it
was I have no idea, but it would be helpful if
the docs were written a little more in 
example mode for beginners as well as
advanced users.

Sorry, just my 2 cents

On Mon, 14 Aug 2000, you wrote:

> I'm sorry you are having trouble, but getting frustrated doesn't help.
> -Stephen-

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