Try vivisting I know they sell TnikPads, but they have a lot
of experience setting up laptops with Linux. Typically, they use SuSE, but
they may be able to help you, or get you on the right track.

Also, SuSE seems to have a good development department when it comes to
hardware support. If you have trouble find servers to support your hardware,
a good place to look is may have to create symbolic links to tell
your distro where to look for the files the SuSE rpms install, but there a
lot more available through them in a more timely fashion.


> Aaarg...  I just bought (and will be returning) an IBM ThinkPad 1210 as
> to get X running on it is just a serious pain in the arse.  =(  I had
> it working once, installed OSS to get the sound card working, and now X
> refuses to work.
> In light of this, I am looking for recomendations of a good laptop that
> will work with Linux with a minimum of effort (hopefully) or has been
> known to run Linux with minimal tweaking.
> Does anyone know of such a beastie?  Preferrably under $2000 if
> possible.  It needs to have a CD-ROM, be about 500Mhz with a minimum of
> 32MB RAM and a 4GB or higher HDD.  Doesn't need to have ethernet or
> modem built in, but sound would be nice (preferably something that
> doesn't require OSS...)
> Is this even feasible?  I don't have the bucks to shell out for
> anything more expensive, but I'd really like to get a laptop so I can
> haul it around to demo Linux with, and this ThinkPad I'm returning
> later today just doesn't cut it.
> Thanks.
> --
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], OpenPGP key available on
> // Danen Consulting Services,
> // MandrakeSoft, Inc. 
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