On Sat Aug 19, 2000 at 05:09:02PM -0400, Greg Stewart wrote:

> Try vivisting www.elinux.com I know they sell TnikPads, but they have a lot
> of experience setting up laptops with Linux. Typically, they use SuSE, but
> they may be able to help you, or get you on the right track.

Cool.  I'll have to check them out.

> Also, SuSE seems to have a good development department when it comes to
> hardware support. If you have trouble find servers to support your hardware,
> a good place to look is SuSE...you may have to create symbolic links to tell
> your distro where to look for the files the SuSE rpms install, but there a
> lot more available through them in a more timely fashion.

Yeah....  but I'm not too keen on using SuSE and the point of this
project is "ease of use, ease of install".  It's not so much for
personal work as to demonstrate the usability and feasability of Linux
to people.  It's going to be my "evangelical" machine... =)

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