On Sat Aug 19, 2000 at 09:43:00PM -0500, Ellick Chan wrote:

> > Does anyone know of such a beastie?  Preferrably under $2000 if
> > possible.  It needs to have a CD-ROM, be about 500Mhz with a minimum of
> > 32MB RAM and a 4GB or higher HDD.  Doesn't need to have ethernet or
> > modem built in, but sound would be nice (preferably something that
> > doesn't require OSS...)
> > 
> I happen to have got in my hands a Compaq Notebook 100. It has a CD, fd,
> and the stuff like that, including sound. Check Compaq's site for
> details. XFree works without much screwing, the screen is only 800x600,
> tho. The machine pretty much works pretty ok without too much hacking
> around.

Cool... I'll have to see what kind of specs that has.

> Another of my friends has a Compusa Amerinote, and that has similar
> specs. He said it was very easy to get working. I'd probably say from what
> I heard, the Amerinote may be better. Remember to check the linux for
> laptops homepage, www.cs.utexas.edu/~kharker/linux-laptop/

I'll have to look into that one too... I'm in Canada so it might not be
the easiest thing.  And yeah, I have that page bookmarked... =)

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