Dear Klar Brian

I'm sorry for write this email later, because I have read that you
installed all again.

Otherwise, I don't know if it could be helpful to you.
Sometime ago, I had a problem with the mtab file. I edited it. You
didn't realize that have make a great error, but, the machine will not
boot. As
Charles Curley said "You should never, ever, edit /etc/mtab. That is
entirely mountd's sandbox. Leave it alone.".
The little solution is to boot and in the lilo write:

then the machine boots, and you have a shell. After, you have to edit
the fstab, but the / partition is mounted is ro, so you have to remount
the partition
mount -n -o remount, rw /

the important parameter is the -n. It does that the mount program
doesn't write the mtab file. You cannot mount or remount, because the
mount try to write the mtab file and it cannot do it.

Well, I hope that at least, it can help some day.


D Contr MSG/SWS ha escrit:

> I did something stupid to both fstab and mtab files.
> I rebooted and now my / partition (/dev/hdc8 won't
> mount, due to fstab says it is ext2, when it is actually
> reiserfs. The partition is mounted as read-only when I
> do a linux single boot from floppy.
> I know this is a dumb question for this forum, but then
> again look at what I did!
> How do I mount (remount) /dev/hdc8 so I can edit fstab
> and mtab to change back to reiserfs ?
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:Leopold Palomo

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