On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, John Rye pushed some tiny letters in this order:
> This is useful BUT... 
> Where/how does one find more info as to what is actually causing these
> seg
> faults, or even some kind of diagnostic routine?
> I've been getting lots recently, even after popping every ic on I can
> find they continue to show up kinda/sorta/abit like too often while
> compiling
> from gcc.
> I'm been running a 64mb Pentium 133 Soyo mobo quite happily for around 9
> months on L-M 6 and 7.

Segmentation faults while compiling and/or for no apparent reason are almost
always hardware problems, often bad memory or hard drive swap space is bad. GCC
is usually rock solid unless the underlying hardware is faulty. I believe you
can get a backtrace from the gnu debugger if you're debugging a program, but if
it's just from any random process it can be hard to tell what has happened. If
you're SURE it's not hardware check for any 'core' files lying around as I
think they can help the author of the program fix a problem, though some
privileged processes are prevented from dumping a core file.


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