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More info on the still-unsolved ppp problem (in the hope that a light will 
flash on over someone's head!):

1. The messages in the /var/log/messages file are completely reproducable.

2. After trying to bring up the link, ifconfig says:

ppp0      Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol  
          RX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:9 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:10 

I don't knwo if there's a way to get more info from ifconfig, but the above 
_appears_ to be reasonable (from what little I know about this stuff).

3. The command line I'm using (to get rid of One More Variable -- kppp) 
looks like this:

pppd connect 'chat -v "" ATDT3034427097 CONNECT "" name: n7dr word: 
<password goes here>' /dev/modem 115200 debug crtscts defaultroute

The above is all on one line, and seems to give exactly the same result as 
kppp. (/dev/modem points to /dev/ttyS4, which is the correct device.)

4. Someone suggested that I try executing "ifup ppp0" as root. I couldn't 
find a man page on "ifup" but I tried it anyway. Got exactly the same set 
of error messages in the system log.

5. Someone else suggested I try ezppp. I'm going to go find that now and 
try to install & run it later today. Can't say I'm hopeful, but I don't 
have any other brilliant ideas (or even any stupid ones).

  Doc Evans

On 27 Aug 00, at 13:38, D. R. Evans wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> 0. Running Mandrake 7.0, with no substantive changes (no kernel builds, 
> etc.)
> 1. For months, I have had no kppp/ppp/pppd have seemed to work perfectly.
> 2. Several days passed when I didn't use them. (They worked fine last 
> Tuesday; but on Saturday, disaster).
> 3. Now, whatever I do, pppd dies at some point during the opening 
> negotiation.
> This is the most verbose version of the log that I can get:
> Aug 27 12:47:33 localhost chat[989]: expect (CONNECT)
> Aug 27 12:47:53 localhost chat[989]: ATDT3034427097^M^M
> Aug 27 12:47:53 localhost chat[989]: CONNECT
> Aug 27 12:47:53 localhost chat[989]:  -- got it 
> Aug 27 12:47:53 localhost chat[989]: send (^M)
> Aug 27 12:47:53 localhost chat[989]: expect (name:)
> Aug 27 12:47:53 localhost chat[989]:  26400/ARQ/V34/LAPM/V42BIS^M
> Aug 27 12:47:54 localhost chat[989]: ^M
> Aug 27 12:47:54 localhost chat[989]: ^M
> Aug 27 12:47:54 localhost chat[989]: User Access Verification^M
> Aug 27 12:47:54 localhost chat[989]: ^M
> Aug 27 12:47:54 localhost chat[989]: Username:
> Aug 27 12:47:54 localhost chat[989]:  -- got it 
> Aug 27 12:47:54 localhost chat[989]: send (n7dr^M)
> Aug 27 12:47:54 localhost chat[989]: expect (word:)
> Aug 27 12:47:54 localhost chat[989]:  ^M
> Aug 27 12:47:54 localhost chat[989]: Username: n7dr^M
> Aug 27 12:47:54 localhost chat[989]: Password:
> Aug 27 12:47:54 localhost chat[989]:  -- got it 
> Aug 27 12:47:54 localhost chat[989]: send (<password goes here>^M)
> Aug 27 12:47:54 localhost pppd[988]: Serial connection established.
> Aug 27 12:47:54 localhost pppd[988]: Using interface ppp0
> Aug 27 12:47:54 localhost pppd[988]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/modem
> Aug 27 12:47:56 localhost pppd[988]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
> Aug 27 12:47:56 localhost pppd[988]: Modem hangup
> Aug 27 12:47:56 localhost pppd[988]: Connection terminated.
> Aug 27 12:47:57 localhost pppd[988]: Exit.
> The "Hangup (SIGHUP)" is what seems to be the problem. I assume that this 
> means that _something_ is sending pppd a SIGHUP, but what could it possibly 
> be???
> 4. Booting under Windows, PPP works perfectly.
> 5. If I manually talk to the serial port, I can dial the phone and log in, 
> and see the ppp initialization packets coming. Eventually (since I can't 
> send the right packets back when I am pretending to be an ordinary 
> terminal) the phone line hangs up, but only after about 20 seconds. As you 
> can see from the log, the ppp daemon is dying after only a couple of 
> seconds.
> 6. Exactly the same happens if I do a command-line invocation of pppd/chat 
> (in fact, that's how I got the error log).
> I'm less bothered by the fact that what used to work is no longer working 
> (hey! I'm used to Windows, where that sort of thing happens all the time) 
> than I am by the fact that I've spent several hours now, and haven't made 
> any progress in getting this to work. (Amongst other things, I have 
> reinstalled ppp and kppp, but that had no effect. I also tweaked every 
> parameter I thought reasonable, and nothing improved the situation.)
> So I'm well and truly stumped.
> Any suggestions as to things to try are MOST WELCOME.
>   Doc Evans
> Version: PGP 6.0.2 -- QDPGP 2.60 
> Comment: Key obtainable from servers: ID 0x362912B8
> IqfjkBpcumOJEoUq9uvkK4FR
> =kDmZ
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> D.R. Evans N7DR / G4AMJ                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> The last of the Chronicles of the Three Lands, "Phendric", 
> has been published:
>      http://www.sff.net/people/N7DR/drevans.htp
> ----------------------------------------------------------

Version: PGP 6.0.2 -- QDPGP 2.60 
Comment: Key obtainable from servers: ID 0x362912B8


D.R. Evans N7DR / G4AMJ                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The last of the Chronicles of the Three Lands, "Phendric", 
has been published:

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