Hi, Doc:

> 3. The command line I'm using (to get rid of One More Variable -- kppp)
> looks like this:
> pppd connect 'chat -v "" ATDT3034427097 CONNECT "" name: n7dr word:
> <password goes here>' /dev/modem 115200 debug crtscts defaultroute
> The above is all on one line, and seems to give exactly the same result as
> kppp. (/dev/modem points to /dev/ttyS4, which is the correct device.)

Meaning it works, right?

It looks like only scripted pppd connections fail -- I had the same thing
happen; on my box, kppp works fine.

> 4. Someone suggested that I try executing "ifup ppp0" as root. I couldn't
> find a man page on "ifup" but I tried it anyway. Got exactly the same set
> of error messages in the system log.

This problem has got to be in pppd...
> 5. Someone else suggested I try ezppp. I'm going to go find that now and
> try to install & run it later today. Can't say I'm hopeful, but I don't
> have any other brilliant ideas (or even any stupid ones).


But does ezppp do demand dialing? *sigh*

None of these options look like a real solution... something strange has
happened somewhere...


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