On Mon, Sep 18, 2000 at 09:47:16AM -0400, Charles A Edwards wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Charles Curley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 9:07 AM
> Subject: [expert] Public Keys in Signatures (was: Ulysses beta 2)
>    Charles were you aware that if anyone uses Outlook Express to read their
> mail then all your post appear as attachments.
>    1 containing your text and the other containing you PgP info.
>    You post regularly so I open them with out concern but under normal
> conditions all email I receive with attachments are auto delets
>    I use a digital sig. for some of the mail I post but not those going to a
> public list.

I could be snide and ask what you are doing using LookOut on a Linux list,
but I won't. :-) When I first got Linux, I dual booted between it and
Windows, and used Eudora for Linux lists. I got email running on the Linux
box quickly because of the limitations of Eudora and Outlook, and haven't
looked back since.

This is a known problem with LookOut. I use mutt, and I believe that it
encodes the signature and text as separate attachments pursuant to a
fairly recent RFC, which your version of Outlook may not have

I'll have to do some tweaking to get mutt to use the older style of
digital signature for this list; let's see what happens in the next few
days. Let me know when you can read my messages with the signature without
having to open attachments.

I appreciate your concern for attachments. Can you filter them by mime
type rather than delete all of them? Only executable (.exe, .com, .vbs,
etc) or data files which may contain executable code (MS Word documents,
e.g.) are dangerous to your system. Pure data files, like graphics or text
files, are not in the least dangerous, except possibly the risk that they
may waste disk space.


                -- C^2

No windows were crashed in the making of this email.

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