>  package selection during install is too much work to do.


IMHO, it would be wonderful to do it on the www site BEFORE
installing, something like this:

1)      You get the package list from the site, and study
        it at your leisure, figuring out what you really

2)      On the WWW site, maybe in several sessions, you
        select the packages you choose, and

3)      some CGI interface to RPM checks the dependencies
        saying "you should either add this or take that out".
        It shoud also tell you exactly how much HD space will
        be needed.

Repeat steps 2 and 3 as many times as needed, maybe going back
to the site the day after, until all dependencies are sorted

4)      When the list is clean, it should be possible to
        save it on a floppy, so that

5)      When you actually install, and must select packages
        you can just put the floppy in, and the installation
        program will install all and only those packages.
        (this is going to be though on laptops not having
        CDROm and FLOPPY useable together. Ah, well)

Last but not least, all this should be possible also after
installation. By this I mean that one installs, figures out 
in some weeks or months what he actually needs, and then, with
the list said above, reconfigures everything with one keystroke,
not running kpackage/rpm N times.....

Final note on point 2):at least in the first selection, one should
have to select ONLY the **applications** (apache,window maker,
perl, emacs...) not all the libraries they need, of which most people
know nothing and care even less as long as the thing works.

Just my two cents,

                        Marco Fioretti

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