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On Tue, 24 Oct 2000, Praedor Tempus wrote:
> I am having a problem.  I connected from work and
> wanted to ftp from my home box to site to download
> files to my home box.  I can get into my home
> system but I cannot get out.  If I run "ping <IP>"
> I get nothing.  If I try to ftp to some site, 
> nothing happens.  Looking at my /var/log/messages
> I see (altered to protect the innocent):
> Oct 24 10:09:26 localhost sshd[2144]: Could not reverse map address
> 155.*.*.*. 
> This is from my ping attempt.  

This is from connecting to your box with ssh -- not from the ping attempt! I
think it indicates that your server at home could not resolve the hostname you
are connecting from.

> Is this inability to get
> out from my home box via ANY method an sshd configuration
> problem or is it an ISP problem?  I cannot even ping
> the address from which I am connected to my home box.

The problem is not an SSH problem, that's for sure. have you tried ping
www.yahoo.com? It should work, depending on your setup.
- -- 
Jim Holthaus   (pronunciation: HOLT house)
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