> Once again I've proven a tried and true truth...if it ain't broke DON'T TRY AND FIX 
>IT! KDE2 can wait till Hell freezes over for all I care. That installation of 
>Mandrake was the nicest I've ever seen and now it appears to be dieing of a severe 
>case of KDE2's disease and operator stupidity for falling prey to the dreaded 
>affliction known as Upgrade-itis. Damn-it!
> All this just for Koffice. It can't be worth it if it costs this much to get the app 
>installed and running...

<grin>...I've played with KDE2 a bit and I'm not sure I like many of the
changes that have been made to it.  As might be expected, KOffice isn't
anywhere as powerful as Star Office or Corel Office (which I can't get to
install with 7.2) so I'd agree, there's not much reason to be on this
bleeding edge.  

What worries me is that the rate of change, apparently a
function of marketing differentiation, is spooling up.  Rather than
creating stable, easy to use distros, players like Mandrake and Red Hat
are trying to follow the bleeding edge of development with their
commercial releases.  It doesn't bode well for the "world
domination" goal.    

Cheers --- Larry

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