> umm...the VMware machine is a full Virtual Machine...with it's own bios..when
> you start the machine you may notice a nice little message saying "Press f2 for
> setup" thats like a normal setup bios...just change it to boot of the CD and
> feed your win98 cd into your cd-rom

Just tried this Andrew.  Set the CD as the boot location and stuffed the
W98 disk in it.  still no joy.
> I think your getting confused....VMware reads a config file to make a

A constant state of affairs here :-)

> machine...but after that it acts pretty much exactly like a normal PC (just in
> a window). The doco on the vmware site is quite good...I think you should
> really read it

Absolutely.  I must have missed it on my first excursion there.  Thanks.
I will RTFM.
I will RTFM.
I will RTFM. 
I will RTFM. 
I will RTFM. 
I will RTFM. 
I will RTFM. 
I will RTFM. 
I will RTFM. 
I will RTFM. 
I will RTFM. 
I will RTFM. 
I will RTFM. 
Cheers --- Larry

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