On Tue, 28 Nov 2000, bill wrote:

> Keep up the fine cutting edge work folks but PLEASE could someone
> address this issue, or tell us how to stop it on our machines
> if the List is not able to track down the global problem?

        If you use procmail (which everyone should (: ) you can enter the
following recipe into your ~/.procmailrc --

        :0 Wh: .msgid.lock
        | $FORMAIL -D 8192 .msgid.cache

Verif y you have formail and the path is correct.  This creates a dot file
(.msgid.cache) to hold the mail ids of mails and compares all other mails
to them, thus removing duplicates.  You still get them shoved down your
pipe, but at least you don't see them in your mail reader.
        As for the list behaving in a somewhat less than desireable
manner; it also sucks that the list tagline is an attachment.

| d a v i d  @  m i h m
| webmaster  @  afterstep.org
| ftpmaster  @  afterstep.org

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