First of all, the Java Virtual Machine is not required for JavaScript to 
work -- the two are completely different animals. I don't know how to get 
Java working, but JavaScript works fine in konqueror on my system.

However, there is a caveat with regard to JavaScript: both konqueror and 
Mozilla (and Netscape 6, and Opera) are quite strict with the 
EcmaScript/JavaScript standard. What this means is, there are a LOT of 
websites out there that still won't work in any of these browsers. If you 
are doing any DHTML, for example, you will need to properly re-write your 
scripts to be compatible with Netscape 4.x, IE 4+, and 
konqueror/Mozilla/Netscape 6/Opera. Dreamweaver (and all the rest of the 
WYSIWYG tools) can't do it for you ... yet. Those tools, with their canned 
scripts, only recognize IE 4+ and Netscape 4.x, and make use of the 
non-standard HTML and JavaScript extensions of both browsers.


At 01:07 PM 12/19/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>OK,  this problem is making konqueror just about useless to me.  I am unable
>to access any sites that require/user javascript.  I am using KDE 2.0 with
>Konqueror 1.9.8.
>I do NOT have netscape installed.  I DO have the IBM's Java 1.3 jre installed
>and I do have Mozilla 0.6 installed.  I have tried to force Konqueror to use
>the 1.3 java install by pointing at its directory but it doesn't work - and I
>have tried several variants pointing at several potential java directories.
>The end result is that Konqueror does not do java or javascript.
>I NEED to be able to use javascript.  Can anyone explain how one is to use
>java and javascript with Konqueror?
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Dave Sherman
SoftServ Business Systems, Inc.

"Quid quid latine dictum sit, altum viditur."

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