On Thursday 04 January 2001 03:19 am, you wrote:
> On Wednesday 03 January 2001 13:38, you wrote:
> > Just a short not before I head off to work to do for a living what I've
> > been trying to get done here at home, which is trouble-shooting my system
> > and trying to get my DAMN printer to work.
> >
> > I followed Till's instructions to the letter, installed all the packages
> > and...well...I'm sorry but it's worse then before. Part of the time it
> > doesn't even "see" that there's a printer connected to the port, and when
> > I do manage to get a printer configured it doesn't hold it's connection.
> > This IS a software issue. A very BAD software issue.
> >
> > Something else I've noticed about Cups. It's utilizing IPP protocols in
> > order to communicate with the printer. I think this is part of the
> > problem. The darn thing isn't recognized any other way, and unless I'm
> > mistaken doesn't the printer need to be NETWORK enabled in order to use
> > this protocol? My Canon most definately is not.
> >
> > Anton, while your suggestion hasn't worked "yet" I'm going to give it
> > another try after I've calmed down and gotten yet another perspective in
> > this miserable issue. Normally, because of the work I do, IT/MIS, it
> > takes a little while of working at something to get this frustrated
> > exausting all known and discovered options and believe me I've done that
> > and more, I've reached a new level of frustration.
> >
> > It really just boils down to this. I do this stuff every day and you know
> > what. I LOVE my linux box. I love everything about Linux. I love the way
> > it just runs and runs without a complaint for wekks, months and
> > yes...even years without a hiccup. But damnit I don't want to have to
> > work this stinkin hard on setting up and "HOME" printer so my son can
> > print a school report, or I can tell Nutscrape to print out a page for me
> > so I have it as a reference later. I just simply don't want to have to
> > work this hard. Getting geeked out over something new about the system is
> > cool, but having to get geeked about something as mundane as setting up a
> > printer is ...well, just not something I want to do.
> >
> > It's been my experience that printers are the most miserable of computer
> > components known to man. They will, at time and for no discernable reason
> > just stop working. And then as you're toiling away trying to figure them
> > out, suddenly begin to work again. I don't like them at all, but they're
> > a necessary evil that comes along with computers. My passion.
> >
> > To tell you the truth I would much rather be programming a complex
> > accounting system in maingrame assembler then trying to get my Canon, my
> > linux box, and Cups to play nice so I can NOT have this headache. Both
> > figuratively and literally.
> >
> > Ok...I'm done ranting again. gotta go to work and get a rest now!
> Mark,
> What version of 7.2 are you using?  You might profit by a clean install
> making SURE printpro packages are excluded.
> Civileme

After a good nights sleep I'm thinking that's not a bad idea. Chalk it all up 
to learning a new system on my Linux machine. There really are things about 
Cups that I like...honest. It seems though that there was a lot about it that 
I didn't know that I really needed to know. I've been cruising this list 
heavily the last few days and have gleaned a lot of information about Cups. 
At least enough to know what to do with it from the beginning. I hope...

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