I am wondering what advice and/or thoughts people might have regarding disk
partitioning for a brand new install. I have just finished assembling the
hardware, and have a fully blank and unformatted 45GB disk, and I'd like to
plan out my partitions before starting on the install.

I was figuring
- a small boot partition to contain /boot
- a /home partition for /home
- a /var partition so that log files, etc, are limited and the disk cannot
get flooded by logs if there are mail spam attacks or something like that
- a /tmp partition for temp files - large enough that i can create the
images for cd's prior to burning, so it will need to be at least a few GB
- a /vmwin98 partition for a vmware parition to contain a win98 virtual
machine install (for Quicken and Word, which I still need to use)
- a root partition to contain /, of course, and all of its usually stuff
including /usr, with mount points for /home, /var, /tmp, /boot, /vmwin98

I cannot make up my mind regarding another partition that is either FAT16 or
FAT32 for a bootable windows install. I've been planning to run windows only
under vmware, but then I got to thinking that maybe I might need a way to
boot into windows for some reason or another...

Any one with pointers or advice on this scheme, how large to make each
partition, etc?

NB: I would prefer NOT to allocate the whole 45GB just yet - with such a
large HD, I wouldn't mind leaving a good bit of it (maybe even half) open so
that later on when I think of something I need a partition for, I have
plenty of room to add it.

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