
One of our alumni dropped of a server that his company wasnt using anymore. It's a Hp 
Netserver 4d/66 lm. As far as i could find out it has a pentium 90 with 162mb RAM. 
Which i see is better than what im using now for the server which is a pentium 90 with 
32mb ram. Well the os this thing is running is dos i think. I also see it running some 
novel netware. I want to install linux on this server. Becasue i dont know jack about 
netware and i have some knowledge of linux. Well I went with a Mandrake 7.2 install 
and couldnt get past step one. I dont know what scsi driver to use, i tried them all 
and none of them worked. Every drive on
this server is scsi. The logo on the controller says DPT CM400. On bootup it lists as 
a pm2122a/9x. 

I am taking the asummption that the two hardrives are some type of raid array. I have 
never done an linux install on scsi so i am definately lost. Is anyone familiar with 
the hardware i listed above. Do you know what drivers i need to use to do the install. 
I was under the impression that i need to use one of the EATA drivers. None of these 
work. If having the raid configuration is going to be a pain, i will forget about it. 
Becasue i dont really see my self doing any hard drive intensive work. This server 
would just be for file storage, internet sharing, squid and samba. If anyone has any 
information for where i could even start that would be great. 

Thanks again. 
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