If you download jdk-1_2_2_007-linux-i386.tar.gz from java.sun.com,
you'll find that untar/gz'ing them extracts the files into a directory
named jdk1.2.2, not jdk-sun1.2.2.  Though I suppose there's nothing to
stop you from renaming the directory since you have to manually tell
Konqueror where it is anyway.
It is an unfortunate truth that Sun is still blatantly snubbing Linux. 
Even the README's in the tarball refer you only to win32 and Solaris
installation instructions.
I sincerely hope that the KDE team can come up with a way to use the
Java environment with the tools IBM has provided, since they are
enthusiastic in their Linux support.

Ron Stodden wrote:
> Digital Wokan wrote:
> > After installing it, go into Konqueror's configuration and put the
> > following in for the location of java on the Java tab:
> > /usr/jdk1.2.2/bin/java
> No.  Should not it be:
> /usr/jdk-sun1.2.2/bin/java
> ?
> --
> Regards,
> Ron. [AU]
Digital Wokan, Tribal Mage of the Electronics Age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

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