On Tue Feb 06, 2001 at 04:28:50PM -0600, Altoine B. wrote:

> > > I personally avoid "forcing my way" on anything. It only leads to
> > > heartache and pain later on. Just remove all the old packages that I had
> > > showed in my prior posting and you can then
> > >
> > > rpm -ivh MySQL*.rpm
> > >
> > > or how ever you do it. just use "i" now and you should be fine.
> > 
> > Huh?  -Fvh means to freshen.. install if it exists.  If you already
> > have MySQL installed and you do an -ivh, you will have two versions of
> > everything installed (which is not what you want).
> > 
> > Either use -F (freshen) or -U (upgrade).  --force is to force the
> > install, not -F.
> I meant for him to use rpm -ivh after he had deleted the old packages.

Ok, that makes more sense.  But he shouldn't have to delete the old
packages...  if he does -Fvh or -Uvh on MySQL* instead of doing them
one at a time, they will upgrade without conflicts.

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