On Tue Feb 06, 2001 at 04:33:50PM -0500, goldengull.net administrator wrote:

> i was able to uninstall the packages you listed below by running
> rpm -e --nodeps oldpackagename
> however, when i goto install the new server i get:
> [root@web transfer]# rpm -i MySQL-client-3.23.31-1.1mdk.i586.rpm
> error: failed dependencies:
>         libmysqlclient.so.10 is needed by MySQL-client-3.23.31-1.1mdk
> again.  :/

You need to install MySQL-shared-*.  That contains your libraries.

> i've been rooting through archives and other docs, and can't seem to find
> any clues.  thanks for everyone's help though.  this list has been good.
> any more ideas?

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