Vincent Danen wrote:
> On Tue Feb 06, 2001 at 03:52:45PM -0500, administrator wrote:
> > when i goto install MySQL, i get lots of error messages:
> >
> > [root@web transfer]# rpm -Fvh MySQL-3.23.31-1.1mdk.i586.rpm
> > file /usr/bin/mysqlbug from install of MySQL-3.23.31-1.1mdk conflicts with
> > file from package MySQL-client-3.23.23-1mdk
> > [root@web transfer]# rpm -Fvh MySQL-client-3.23.31-1.1mdk.i586.rpm
> > error: failed dependencies:
> > is needed by MySQL-client-3.23.31-1.1mdk
> > [root@web transfer]# rpm -e MySQL-client
> > error: removing these packages would break dependencies:
> >         MySQL-client is needed by MySQL-3.23.23-1mdk
> >         MySQL-client is needed by MySQL-bench-3.23.23-1mdk
> > [root@web transfer]# rpm -e MySQL-3.23.23
> > error: removing these packages would break dependencies:
> >         MySQL >= 3.23 is needed by perl-Mysql-1.22_15-3mdk
> > [root@web transfer]#
> >
> > i can't seem to get the new packages to install or the old ones to
> > uninstall.  what am i missing here?  i don't have rpm package manager
> > installed on my servers (high security).  prehaps that would help?  what is
> > the name of the rpm to install for that?
> Don't do them one at a time.  Do a "rpm -Fvh MySQL*" and you should be ok.
> --
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I personally avoid "forcing my way" on anything. It only leads to
heartache and pain later on. Just remove all the old packages that I had
showed in my prior posting and you can then 

rpm -ivh MySQL*.rpm 

or how ever you do it. just use "i" now and you should be fine.


  .--. `           
  |__| .-------.   Altoine Barker
  |=.| |.-----.|   Maximum Time, Inc
  |--| ||$SEND||   Chicago Based Enterprise
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