On Wednesday 28 February 2001 08:23, you wrote:
KDE 2.1 is to be in 8.0 , as far as 8.0 beaing beta it just went beta today, 
(the previous ISO's available were not beta) of course following the 
anouncement of KDE 2.1, as far as Kernel 2.4.2 I don't know for sure I  know 
they are working on some issues with the kernel.
> ** Reply to message from Aravind Sadagopan
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Wed, 28 Feb 2001 15:49:36 +0800
> > Will it have KDE 2.1, kernel 2.4.2??
> I'm just guessing based on previous experiences with 'Drake, but since the
> product is already in Beta, I doubt you will see Linux 2.4.2 or KDE 2.1.
> John LeMay Jr.
> Senior Enterprise Consultant
> [tag] The wheel's spinning, but the hamster's dead.

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