> My 2 cents worth as well. I am using cups with Mandrake 7.2/Samba 2.07. It
> great. I have no idea how I got it to work, it just works.

Ah, there is the problem.  Anything is great when it works.  Problem is when
it does not work and figuring out "what" you have to do to get it to work
and then forgetting what you did so you cannot do it again when you upgrade
to the next Linux version.

We are a long way from "human centric" computers:  that is computers and OSs
which serve humans instead of making humans kow tow to whatever
idiosyncrasies the OS or applications wish to impose on them.  That is a
world where the computer learns human ways of interfacing instead of forcing
humans to learn the computer's way of communicating.  Where computer systems
anticipate human needs instead of humans having to read computer systems
minds and needs.

Fortunately the rest of the world is slowly moving in the direction of such
human centered systems whereas despite its many advantages, Linux seems to
be forcing us back to the old days where the computer and OS were the master
and humans had to learn to serve it.

One should not have to have a degree in computer science to run a system
(linux or otherwise), not anymore than one has to be a mechanical engineer
to use a car, a refrigerator, a washing machine, an elevator, etc.

I should not have to boot into NT4 to print because I do not know what it is
that my (single user/standard HP III printer) Linux and cups system "wishes"
me to do so it will agree to serve me and print.  That is what I have had to
do for the last 6 months because I cannot yet get my Mandrake 7.1 and cups
to print.  I should not need to spend this much time just to get such a
basic thing to work.

Registered Linux user  183185

----- Original Message -----
From: David Rankin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 1:27 AM
Subject: Re: [expert] I like cups

> My 2 cents worth as well. I am using cups with Mandrake 7.2/Samba 2.07. It
> great. I have no idea how I got it to work, it just works. I did have to
> with the print drivers to get it to print correctly to the HP Laserjet 4
on my
> secretary's WinME machine, but once I got the right driver it works great.
> doesn't matter if I'm printing from kedit, kwrite, kmail or piping man
pages from
> the console, it just works.  To say the least, if I was able to get it
> with my limited (but growing) Linux prowess, CUPS can't be all bad. (now
if I
> could just get the page breaks to line up when I print the man pages --
ahh, but
> that is for another time)
> Ken Thompson wrote:
> > On Sunday 11 March 2001 10:17 am, you wrote:
> > > There has been another round of "cups bashing" lately;
> > >
> > > I for one wanted to go on record as being impressed with all
> > > the work Till has put into cups and getting the drivers for so many
> > > different printers updated. Sure there are glitches now and then,
> > > though generally for me it is due to the fact that I did not read the
> > > detailed instructions/manual available at mandrakeuser.org
> > > concerning my paticular problem or forgot what I read.
> > >
> > > There is even a way to contact Till directly though he is VERY BUSY,
> > > and I have had paticular problems solved that way.
> > > Try mandrakeuser.org before giving up.
> > > After reading ALL the documentation and exchaging emails with Till ,
> > > you still can't get cups working for you then okay;
> > > nothings perfect :)
> > >
> > > William Bouterse
> > > Talkeetna, Ak
> >
> > I just want to add my $0.02 worth, CUPS is, as far as I'm concerned, the
> > thing that has happened to linux printing yet.
> > I have 2 "Win" printers that I invested a lot of money in without
> > they were <ugh> WinPrinters. Until CUPS came along I was not able to
print to
> > either of them under linux AND the HP722c can be networked now . Keep up
> > good work fella's I at least am here to cheer ya on.
> > CUPS installed and worked for me out of the box for HP 722C, HP 842C,
> > and Epson Stylus Color. NO additional configuration had to be done.
> > --
> > Ken Thompson
> > Electrocom Computer Services
> > Payette, Idaho 83661
> > (208) 642-11701
> > Web: http://www.nwaa.com

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