Can you do an "lsmod" and post the results along with those from
"cdrecord -scanbus".  A list of your modules.conf would also be handy. 
CDRW is a can of worms if you install it into an already running
Mandrake system!  Also have you run the script from the howto to check
your setup (basicly what I requested above), and checked the /dev/cdrom[
01] link is pointing to the correct place?  I recently added a Sony 140E
which now works well, but it was close to being installed in a windoze
machine just to get a working setup after quite a few hours of work.


Praedor Tempus wrote:
> I recently added a sony atapi cd-rw drive to my 7.2/8.0 system.  I have read
> the howto on this subject and as a result, recompiled my kernel to support
> scsi emulation and then added 'append="hde=ide-scsi"' to my lilo.conf file
> for the new kernel.
> Now, I see no evidence that the CD-RW drive is being seen as "scsi" so I
> still am unable to burn any CDs with it.
> What have I missed?  This CD-RW drive is the second CDROM drive on my system.
> I still have my original atapi cdrom, which is handled as IDE by default.
> --
> Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain.

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