On Mon, 19 Mar 2001 22:54:19 -0600
Larry Blodgett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ok Benjamin I finally had to hard boot my machine (6 months of 
> stability) all because of xfce.  Maybe you can explain how this 
> happened.  I fired up xfce and I must admit it looks really cool so I 
> let it run.  When my monitor went into power save I simply hit the 
> mouse (as I always do in KDE) and nothing happened, I then hit the 
> space bar, nothing happened.  My screen was black and I could not get 
> the video to come back (I even tried ctr-alt-delete).  Finally in 
> disgust I hit the hard reset button and I am now back in KDE.  What 
> did I do wrong????

The Xscreensaver (not a part of XFCE) by default selects a screensaver at
random.  At least one of the screensavers is broken and will cause this
behavior.  Read the Xscreensaver doc to learn dow to run the demos to
select a screensaver you like and/or disable the screensaver entirely.

Collins Richey
Denver Area

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